Kamis, 21 November 2013

About Sulawesi

Sulawesi or Sulawesi Island (or long term in English: Celebes) is an island in the Indonesian region that lies between the island of Kalimantan, Maluku Islands to the west and the east. With a total area of ​​174 600 km ², Sulawesi is the 11th largest island in the world. Sulawesi has the province of West Sulawesi (Mamuju), North Sulawesi (Manado), Central Sulawesi (Palu), South Sulawesi (Makassar), Southeast Sulawesi (Kendari), Gorontalo (Gorontalo)

Sulawesi name is thought to originate from the words in the languages ​​of Central Sulawesi is the word which means homeland sula (island) and the word mesi meaning iron (metal), which may refer to the trade practices of production of iron ore mines located around the lake Matano, close Sorowako, East Luwu. While the nation / Portuguese people who come around 14-15 century BC was the first foreign nation to use the name to refer to the island of Sulawesi Celebes overall.

Sulawesi is the fourth largest island in Indonesia after Papua, Kalimantan and Sumatra with a land area of ​​174 600 square kilometers. The unique shape resembles a spider roses or a large letter K which stretched from north to south and three peninsula that stretches to the northeast, east and southeast. The island is bounded by the Makassar Strait in the west and separated from Borneo and the Maluku Islands are separated from the well by the Maluku Sea. Sulawesi is bordered by Borneo to the west, the Philippines to the north, south Flores, Timor and Maluku in the southeast to the east.

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